Tuesday, March 15, 2011



   In 1974, Robert Kiyosaki left the Marines, found a job as sales executive for Xerox Company. A fourth-generation  Japanese American, Kiyosaki was born and raised in Hawaii. After graduating from Hilo High School, he attended U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in New York, graduating with the class of 1969 as a deck officer. Later, he served in the Marine Corps as a helicopter gunship pilot during the Vietnam War, where he was awarded the Air Medal. Kiyosaki began doing what he went to school to learn, that is he worked on and traveled on merchant ships. The experience of traveling the world had a profound effect on him, and once experienced it made it difficult for Kiyosaki to return back to Hawaii. The voyages on these merchant ships would take him all over the world. He would be exposed to new cultures, new ways of life and extreme forms of poverty that cannot be found back in the United States of America. This taste of the world and experience of different cultures would lead him to a new path. Perhaps of giving back to his country for the opportunity to experience what he did or perhaps for the world he discovered and his belief that everyone deserves democracy and the chance to choose, and make something out of oneself, whatever the reason may be Kiyosaki was eventually drawn to join the United States Marine Corps and was sent to Vietnam.
   Upon returning to the United States of America, Kiyosaki was exposed to a whole new world. Instead of returning to Hawaii, Kiyosaki instead choose to go back to New York. Once there, he quickly began working for the Xerox Corporation which specializes in printing and photocopying. Kiyosaki worked in the sales department of the Xerox Corporation and was assigned the position of salesman. Couple of years later, Kiyosaki started up his own business for the first time. He made a moderate profit. It was Kiyosaki’s first venture in the business world and as an entrepreneur, he made some mistakes. But, Kiyosaki acknowledges that there were things that he was not aware such as patents and trademarks that hampered the degree of his success. The surfer wallets would eventually end up becoming a multi-million dollar product and Kiyosaki would receive his first real taste of what being an entrepreneur is all about. Not only just that but Kiyosaki learnt what being financially successful is about and the knowledge that it could be obtained. Besides that, Kiyosaki was so very close to hitting a home run off his first at bat.

    So his first venture in business was not as successful as only one could hope and dream, but none the less, experience is valuable, as the knowledge derived from it can be the deciding factor the next time around. So Kiyosaki continued his journey of an entrepreneur, continuing to venture off in new businesses and investment opportunities. The next business was almost similar in nature due to the targeted consumer as Kiyosaki’s attention shifted from Surfers and their wallets, to Rockers and their favourite heavy metal band t-shirts which the business was highly successful. Kiyosaki experienced financial success in the mid nineteen eighties with his second business venture in the rock music merchandise licensing. But with a change of trends, the mainstream turned away from the heavy metal and hardcore bands and began listening to different, softer music. His heavy metal t-shirt licensing business bankrupt and definitely in a bad place as it even left him homeless.


   Robert Kiyosaki would get married during this time to Kim Kiyosaki, in 1984. Kim Kiyosaki was also an entrepreneur and would prove to be quite valuable in many ways. Not only being the love of  Kiyosaki’s life, a partner for life, she would also become a business partner. Not giving up the practice of investing in real estate and playing the stock market, Kiyosaki continued his business endeavors. Although, now Kiyosaki had much more time on his hands and he began to write during his time off. Feeling like he knew a secret and a talent to share knowledge, Kiyosaki continued his path as an educator, following the footsteps of his poor dad, as he also followed the advice and guidance of his rich dad in becoming financially successful. Kiyosaki found a way, a medium to fuse them both together, both talents learnt from both his rich dad and poor dad, for the benefit of people around the world. This is when Kiyosaki began exploring his ideas and concepts, synthesizing his knowledge and life experiences and began working on the writing of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Although, Kiyosaki did not write alone, he teamed up with Sharon Lechter and together they co-wrote the first Rich Dad, Poor Dad book. That book would later go on to sell more than ten million books and become a bestseller. But all this success did not come right away or easily.
   Before getting Rich Dad, Poor Dad published, Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter were trying to sell it to publishers. After being dismissed much, they published it on their own. Together with Kim Kiyosaki, the three of them founded Cashflow Technologies, Inc. Under this title many companies would come to be formed bellow it and the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series would become a brand that brought about much success.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Everybody knows about it but certain individuals only do this things..!

Benda ini selalunya dekat budak-budak kecil sahaja kita bagi tahu, lebih kurang macam mengajar mereka ini untuk kenali kehidupan dan mengajar mereka menguruskan diri. Tapiiiiiii sekarang saya mahu bagi tahu kepada semua orang, bukan untuk budak-budak sahaja.okeh?
Mula-mula, benda ini simple sahaja, lepas makan kena BASUH.. kalau dah malas sangat sebab perut dah sengkak, buat reminder dekat handphone.. jangan tinggal sampai berhari-hari, dah berulat habis dah time itu.. eg: saya ada jumpa seorang insan ini, time itu memang tak boleh bla.. dia masak maggi, lepas makan dia bangun dan terus tinggal.. dalam hati saya dia nak rehat kejap dulu kot.. tapi lepas 3hari, saya tengok maggi itu dah tak macam maggi.. saya tegur dia, saya takut dia tak perasan pasal maggi itu then last-last dia ambil magkuk yang berisi sisa-sisa maggi berulat itu dan terus buang ke dalam tong sampah. Sungguh dasyat kemalasan beliau..
Lepas itu, kalau nak basuh pinggan, senang sahaja, ambil sabun dan basuh. Tetapi before that, buang semua sia-sia makanan ke dalam tong sampah.. jangan buang dalam sink.. habis tersumbat sink tersebut.. bila dah tersumbat, kita semua buat-buat tidak perlukan sink tersebut dan cari sink lain.. memang tidak baik perangai di situ yeee.. eg: saya ada la pergi ke sebuah program dan saya ditugaskan untuk menjaga bahagian pinggan mangkuk.. saya bukan kena jadi tukang basuh pinggan mangkuk tapi saya kena perhatikan mereka-mereka ini membasuh pinggan mereka selepas selasai mengunyah.. lepas 5orang membasuh pinggan, sink itu sudah tersumbat.. Alhamdulillah syukur mereka sangat prihatin di situ.. dan saya terpaksa mengambil sisa-sisa tersebut menggunakan tangan.. baik sungguh mereka itu yeeeee.. bagi saya kerja, kira macam saya tak makan gaji buta laaa..
Yang seterusnya, nak cakap pasal sampah.. banyak sungguh hari ini cakap pasal sampah.. memang tak tahan dah pasal sampah ini.. mula-mula, nak buang sampah, pastikan tong sampah tersebut melengkapi plastic sampah yeee.. kalau dekat tempat public, tidak mengapa.. tapi kalau dekat bilik ka, rumah kita ka.. pastikan ada plastic sampah baru anda boleh membuang sampah.. haaaa, tetapi eg: anda pergi ke pasar malam dan membeli air yang berharga RM!.00/ RM1.20, bekas tersebut anda jangan buang terus.. kalau ada sisa-sisa ais, buang dahulu ais itu ke dalam sink.. kalau anda tidak membuang, nanti ais tersebut cair dan menjadi air yang melimpah keluar dari tong sampah itu.. satu bilik dan rumah anda akan berbau.. habis lah, nak tidur, study, tengok movie, semua terjejas kerana bau tersebut.. tidak enak!    
Ok, kita ke bahagian baju.. lepas pakai baju, gantung, jangan hentam terus atas katil.. kalu ye pun, letak dalam baldi.. senang kan..?? kalau anda mahu basuh baju, untuk mereka yang tidak guna washing machine, guna tangan.. anda kena perahhhh habis-habisan air tersebut sebelum gantung di tempat yang disediakan.. eg: saya duduk apartmen time belajar, maybe arkitek yang buat apartmen itu MC time lecture dia mengajar untuk membuat empayan baju.. jadi dia design tidak betul.. kalau saya hang clothes, orang atas punye baju boleh menitik dia atas baju saya.. sungguh best tengok keadaan begitu.. baju saya dibasuh 2x.. hehehe.. jadi orang atas tolong perah baju.. dan sesiapa yang hang baju dekat dengan baju saya, tolong jangan curi pengepit saya.. kalau anda mahu, datang ke rumah saya, saya bagi 1papan pengepit untuk kamu secara percuma.. ok..?? baju saya 3pasang dah diterbangkan.. jadi jangan mencuri lagi pengepit saya..!!
Lastly, to all buddies, please take care your hygiene.. tak elok jadi pengotor dan kurang etika.. Senang cerita, jangan bagi orang tegur banyak kali sangat, macam orang tidak reti jew… kk.. bye..

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Something I can’t imagined..

Assalamualaikum.. hari ini bertarikh 2hb Mac 2011 which is so important for myself.. I can’t imagine that 2011 I still here: live in happy and valuable.. On March 1, 2009, someone proposed me 2 be his girl.. at that time I not that ready to go for a serious relationship because I always not in serious mood.. hehe..  so I gave a reason to him that “saya mahu tidur..bye” . At that moment, I’m laughing and went to my computer played CS.. ffuuhh.. I can’t slept at that time because I'm sooooo happy.. actually I don’t know why I'm sooo happy… then on March 2, 2009, he sent me a message which I don’t expected at all.. he asked me about last night but I still not gave any answers.. after that, he called me and asked me again with serious voiced.. hahaha.. then I accept it! TODAY.. it’s our anniversary.. sincerely i can’t imagine that we are still together.. i admit that I am a childish person.. I always create something to argue with him.. but he is so patient. If I had something that I do not satisfied, I will find him and let go everything to him.. he will keep silent until I finished MEMBEBEL..  I’m not going to tell everything here because “SECRET IS BETTER ( SYEKH, 2011 )” Yes, I agree with syekh.. by the way, THANKS 4 EVERYTHING WAN MOHD SAIFUL ADLI BIN WAN AHMAD.. you are the best person forever.. I met a right person.. Ada satu  gambar di sini, saya tidak boleh letak banyak-banyak.. bahaya..


Actually, saya baru kenal syekh.. sincerely, he is so friendly and nice.. walaupun saya baru kenal dia, tapi dia lah orang yang paling banyak bagi sokongan untuk saya dan si dia.. syekh kawan kepada si dia… diorang ini kawan sejak sekolah lagi kawan dan sangat rapat.. syekh sangat-sangat mengambil berat tentang si dia.. si dia akan sebak bila sebut pasal syekh, eg: saya cakap saya chatting dengan syekh.. si dia akan tanya macam-macam dan akan cakap yang dia rindu saat-saat bersama syekh.. walaupun nampak macam weird tapi sebenar tidak weird pun.. lelaki or perempuan, tetap ada perasaan.. standard kalau kita miss saat bersama kawan- kawan.. it’s gOOd actually.. itu bagi kita jadi lebih menghargai.. ok, kita cakap pasal syekh sikit.. syekh boleh di kira tahu banyak rahsia ktowg.. banyak juga rahsia ktowg dia tahu dan dia sangat pandai menjaga rahsia tersebut.. suka duka kami, di tangan dia.. saya dan si dia sangat- sangat mempercayai syekh.. jaga kepercayaan itu ye syekh.. hehe.. one night, si dia told everything about syekh and suddentlyyyyy…I’m crying… huuu.. saya tidak sangka si dia sangat menyayangi syekh.. time itu, si dia keluar pergi TS, then dia terjumpa syekh.. bila si dia balik, si dia call saya dan cerita.. dia cakap sambil suaranya sebak.. saya faham perasaan itu.. dia cakap jumpa jew syekh, terus peluk.. dia rindu syekh actually.. bila ada kesempatan macam itu, tiada siapa akan sia-siakan.. huhuu.. arrghh, saya tak nak buat post ini sedih.. ok, then syekh ada cerita saya saat- saat dowg bersama di sekolah.. saya akan gelak apa sahaja syekh cakap tapi dalam hati saya, saya sedanggggg sebakk.. huhu.. syekh berjaya bagi saya sebak setiap kali bersembang dengan dia.. hahaha.. credits to syekh.. hehehe.. apa-apa pun syekh, I’m happy to know you.. you are such a nice and great friend.. eh, saya ada curi gambar kamu.. hehe.. maaf ye.. neh time dowg sekolah.. ramai kawan dowg tapi saya tidak dapat kenal semua.. apa-apa pun mereka tetap terbaik..
Ok.. ini saya punye cerita pasal kawan-kawan saya.. saya ada ramai kawan.. saya sangat sayang pada mereka.. mereka selalu buat saya happy.. thanks ya.. saya nak sebut semua rasa macam tidak muat post ini jadi saya akan letak gambar.. hehe.. tapi saya tidak ada semua gambar macam kawan-kawan lama saya dekat sekolah, saya punye laptop kena virus jadi hilang gambar..nanti saya cari balik..saya tidak lupa pada intan, zaty, farah, syuhada, syahida, wafaa, madihah, iffah, hani, kiena dan semuaaaaaaaaa.. mereka selalu bagi sokongan pada saya.. mereka selalu berada dengan saya ketika saya sedih.. mereka selalu menjaga saya.. mereka juga selalu membuat saya menangis kerana saya rinddduuuu pada mereka.. satu hari nanti, saya berharap dapat jumpa dengan mereka semua yang saya dah lama tidak jumpa.. untuk kawan- kawan saya yang ada depan saya, saya sangat beruntung dapat bergurau sama kamu semuaaaa.. hehehe.. 

 Lastly, saya berharap saya kekal dengan si dia.. aminn.. =)